Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Awards !

Its amazing to have so many friends in Blogland..and the way they always inspire and motivate.
I am thankful from the bottom of my heart to Dr. Sonia for "The irresistibly Sweet Award" and Indira for "The Stinkin Cute Award"...Thank u ladies for thinking about me while passing this on.. !

I want to pass this on to 
 Karuna - Amazing Quilling and wonderful Craft Supplies !
spardha - Her cards are innovative and colorful
Kavitha - She makes amazing Tilda cards and other crafts you can't imagine

I want to pass this on to
E.T - She is an inspiration to many of us
Tejal - She is an expert, she works at a different level with some techniques that we might have not even heard of !
Mansi - She makes amazing cards and scrapbooks
Posted on by Shubhra | 6 comments


  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful compliments...will post it soon on my blog!

  2. awwww!.. my blog award is soo cute!.. thank you soo much! :D :D

  3. Thank u!! am stinking cute! Yo!! lol.... its a awesome award!! hugs!

  4. Thanx a lot gal!!!WOW!!!That really sounds so good.

  5. Hey shubhra,thank you so much for this cute award:))
